Posture, can it be important for Physical and MENTAL health?
Can we choose to have good posture? Most people have a postural imbalance of some sort maybe they are using there bodies regularly in sports, maybe they are running and are constantly using one side of their body which is causing a muscular imbalance. They may have a structural imbalance where they require help from a specialist. –
Saying that IF YOU ARE SAT READING THIS SLUMMED OVER you need to stand up straight, put your shoulders back, tuck the abs in and you’ll already feel a million times better. The first area I address with clients is the self assessment aspect, obviously if there major imbalances we will look at strengthening areas or looking at alternative methods but the key point here is that the client is aware and actively moves the body into the correct positions which has a huge affect mentally, people with better posture who are able to move blood and oxygen throughout the body feel better (this isn’t ground breaking knowledge). –
Having helped many people improve posture I’ve come realise that posture can be managed from the individuals ability to self access. Here a few pointers, first of all look in the mirror face on, stand up straight, shoulders back, keep the heads facing forward and relax the shoulders, abs in tight. Already you feel better this a natural position for the body to be in. Saying that if you do identity that you have a major imbalance please get in touch with a fitness professional who is certified in field to access what course of action is best to take. –
Almost all cases are bought on by functionally of day to day life and work – so once in a while stop, stand up straight and put your shoulders back. You will feel 10 times better!